New Workshop: Impact Hub Santa Barbara
~ Beyond ‘What’s Your Sign’;
Gain Professional and Personal Clarity
with the Myers Briggs Type Indicator ~
I’ve just completed a three session program called Mindfulness for Emerging Leaders at the UCLA Anderson School of Management’s MBA students. I’ve taught this for three years now, and continue to find this to be a remarkably satisfying process…watching these high achievers embrace the emotional intelligence and attention enhancing practices that increase self-mastery, well being, stress relieving and deeper communication skills.
I’m happy, now, to announce that I’m now doing more teaching and coaching work in Santa Barbara, CA. Here’s the scoop!
I’ll be teaching a workshop at the Co-Working space of ImpactHub in Santa Barbara on
Weds. August 15th from 6 – 8pm.
Beyond ‘What’s Your Sign’; Gain Professional and Personal Clarity with the Myers Briggs Type Indicator.
Assessments are only as valuable as the interpretative information you receive. In this class you’ll not only receive an in-depth, customized report that focuses on your best-fit way of working, but also learn about new ways to work with yourself and others to be more effective with communication and stress management techniques.
Join us for this interesting and valuable deep dive into the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and learn all about how you operate at your very best. Learn new ways to understand the how and why of your relationships with team members, family and friends, so you can participate more effectively in your organization; enjoy better, increasingly clear communication, and genuine career satisfaction. Daisy is an expert in the MBTI, having used this assessment for the past 30 years, and teaching interactive and experiential classes for up to 200 participants. Come and find out what this is really about. You’ll receive your customized report, as well as other useful handouts.
Cost: $60 which includes your customized MBTI report (a $50 value). Registration must be made by August 12th so you that you can receive the code to take the MBTI online, and can receive your individualized report at the workshop.
Sign up for the class at Hope to see you there!
Stay tuned for more workshops and online programs.
Happy Summer,