Making Work Work – Daisy Swan’s E-Book

Making Work Work: Secrets from a Career Coach’s Office

By Daisy Swan

Daisy Swan - the Los Angeles Career Counselor - Making Work WorkMaking Work Work: Secrets from a Career Coach’s Office is an insightful, inspiring resource for anyone making a career transition. Career coach, Daisy Swan, reveals the path to success as she shares stories of clients of all ages. These clients, representing the four Life Stages Swan has identified as Beginning, Roadblock, Authenticity and Wisdom, have successfully transitioned into a satisfying new work situation that you, too, can find.

What you’ll learn: This book will give you support and motivation through thought-provoking exercises, suggestions of simple actions to take, and valuable resources that can aid in this process – which can lead to a sometimes surprising, but decidedly enriching, life that includes work that works for the individual.

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Making Work Work - Daisy Swan, the Los Angeles Career Counselor