Welcome Daisy’s New Associate Coach: Brooke Loesby, Esq.

Brooke Loesby, Esq. Growth occurs outside our comfort zone. Brooke serves as a trusted ally, a resource and a sounding board for your transition. She is skilled in helping clients navigate roadblocks and keeping them focused on their path. Brooke has a genuine passion and interest in their success. Guided by clients’ inner voices, Brooke lends her creativity, inquisitiveness, and enthusiasm to help them to manifest their calling. Brooke has assisted hundreds of clients in making important career and life transitions. Brooke’s approach is personalized and proactive; she works to help clarify their aspirations and assist them in achieving their goals. Brooke’s clients range from humanitarian activists to media and fashion professionals, to start up entrepreneurs and senior attorneys from Am Law 100 firms. Before coaching, Brooke experienced several career transitions of her own: for three years, she worked in legislation on Capital Hill, for Senator Larry E. Craig; as… Read More

Could Dressing ‘Too Sexy’ Be Career Suicide? Daisy Swan Offers Wardrobe Tips For Work

LOS ANGELES (CBSLA.com) — A new study claims that if a woman’s office wardrobe is viewed as “too sexy” it may hurt her career. Daisy Swan is a career coach who agrees. She spoke with CBS2′s Rachel Kim about the so-called wardrobe secrets of successful women in the workplace, and says dressing too sexy for work could be career suicide. “It’s lack of good judgement to wear something that is inappropriate for the workplace,” Swan said, noting it’s become harder for women to know what’s appropriate because the work environment has become more casual over the years. That’s especially true in Southern California. “We do have a sector that’s very conservative; we’ve got the attorneys, we’ve got the finance folks, but we also have Hollywood and a start-up culture,” she said. Business etiquette experts say unflattering assumptions are made about women who wear provocative clothes and they’re not taken… Read More

Connecting, Man Style…

How many times in the past year have you found yourself thinking ‘This isn’t the way it was supposed to go’? This unemployment thing has taken us by surprise. Not only the layoffs and cutbacks but also the length of time it’s taking to find that next job. And to make matters worse, the salaries out there have, in many, many cases been cut as well. So, no, this isn’t the way it was supposed to go. Especially if you’ve done everything you were supposed to do. Education, played well with others, learned the ins and outs of your industry.

For men this has been a particularly tough time. I work with a lot of men and for them it’s particularly difficult to talk with others about what they are looking for in this next go round. Forget about talking about the disappointment and resentment that this downturn has created, we know that’s rough to do. Reaching out to that network isn’t easy. Jeffrey Zaslow, in a recent Wall Street Journal article, wrote about the way men do friendship. They don’t sit around commiserating with their buds about their unemployment, issues at home, etc…they’ll quietly deal with their problems over sharing their pain.

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Job Search Success: How They Did It

I’ve been collecting stories from clients and others to share how people are landing jobs even during these difficult days. We’ll keep updating this as they come in. “I feel really alive” Just wanted to check in and let you know how I am doing. School is fantastic! I am only about 7 weeks into the program and I love it. We are learning a lot of medical assisting techniques and information, and then on to the radiology portion of the program. I can give all kinds of injections and even draw blood already. I am going to try to pass the phlebotomy test for my license, and then I can start working in the medical field right away. I have never even said this before, but I love my life. Everything is very chaotic with school every day and then working in the afternoons, and then studying at night,… Read More

Is it time for you to be fired? Laid off?

More than one of my clients needs to be fired. OK, maybe just laid off. That would be ideal. One of my clients has been wanting to make a change in his life for years actually, but he’s so loyal to his employer that he just can’t seem to leave. We haven’t been working together on this for years — he’s come back to me a few times almost ready. Now there are so many good reasons to leave; he’s ready for more challenge, ready to develop new colleagues, get a different perspective on the world, more money would be fine but not necessary. Sometimes it’s just time to grow and learn more about everything. Now we’re laughing because there’s the possibility that he’ll be let go. And the fire under him would be lit and the energy ignited for change. I’m reading Po Bronson’s book, What Should I Do… Read More

Effortless Networking

Effortless Networking (Another great installment from our guest blogger KSS) I have never felt that I am a well-connected person. Networking was never a comfortable notion as it seemed intimidating and felt insincere. After moving to Los Angeles nearly five years ago, all of this began to slowly change and unfold in its own authentic way. It seems that this huge city is more like a small town and I feel that I am separated from strangers by much less than six degrees. Now, as my social network expands, it also contracts and I find that new friends know old friends and it is indeed a small world after all. Making the transition from working professional to graduate program applicant is aided by this recently acquired social network, one I could never have expected. My interests lie in obtaining a doctorate so that I may teach, research, and work… Read More

Navigating Career Change Panel Discussion – Overcoming Obstacles to Career Change in the Entertainment Industry

Daisy Swan & Associates upcoming career panel is a great way to learn about working in a variety of entertainment industry positions including the music industry and also how to transition out of these jobs. Guests will have the opportunity to talk informally with the panelists both before and after the discussion. According to the 2008 ExecuNet Sixteenth Annual Executive Job Market Intelligence Report, 40% of executives are dissatisfied with their current job. The Report also states that 44% of executives expect their age will negatively impact their ability to land a new position. And practically nowhere do these two statistics ring true more than in the entertainment industry. At this July 10th “Navigating Career Change” Panel Discussion, Daisy Swan, MA, CPCC, “The Los Angeles Career Counselor & Coach,” will moderate a panel of entertainment industry professionals who will address the ways in which career change can often take shape. Read More

Why I Didn't Go Into Investment Banking by Guest Blogger Vanessa Van Petten

OnTeensToday.com Vanessa Van Petten is the teen author of the book “You’re Grounded!”—a parenting book from a young perspective. She keeps an active teen blog for parents who want to know what their kids are really doing online, at High School parties or when parents are looking the other way. Her candid and young perspective, as well her constant survey of resources and updates about this generation of young people are a treasure trove for parents. I was on the perfect track. Was student body president of an upper snuff Los Angeles private school. Got accepted into a top 20 University and became a Mandarin and East Asian Studies major before the wave hit?????–so everyone was in desperate need of white female Asia specialists. Wrote an honors thesis and graduated Magna Cum Laude. I had a bid from a top investment banking firm in New York—everything was perfect. It… Read More

Navigating Career Change Panel Discussion

Presented by Daisy Swan, MA, CPCC: The Los Angeles Career Counselor & Coach Date: Thursday, April 3, 2008 Time: 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. Location: Jobing.com, 12100 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 320, Los Angeles (at Wilshire and Bundy) Tickets: Call 310-820-8877 Looking for a career change but not sure how to proceed? Gain insights into how career change really happens. Along with inspiration and practical tips, hear from an expert panel at the Navigating Career Change Panel Discussion presented and co-moderated by Daisy Swan, MA, CPCC: The Los Angeles Career Counselor & Coach. Panelists include Mary Astadourian, a well-known professional organizer who also served as a TV producer and executive; Rashi Khangura, who switched career paths from corporate accounting to the growing Corazonas, a company that makes heart-healthy snacks; Stephanie Palmer, business owner and author of the recently published “Good in a Room,” which teaches individuals how to… Read More