Let’s face it: unless you’re independently wealthy being unemployed is NOT fun. It’s NOT relaxing. It’s NOT a vacation. You’re constantly stressed out, worried about your finances, family, your future, wondering how long you can make it before you have to start making the tough choices. It’s a scary place. Now is the perfect time to turn that incapacitating fear into resolve, strength, and action. Make a shift in your state of mind. Use this time to empower and embolden yourself and explore other career options. And you do have options. They’re out there, just waiting for you to uncover them. Find yourself. Find your path. Find your future. Call us. We can help make this transition easier as you find your way. Read More

What's Fun Got to Do With It?

This past weekend I had the good fortune to attend an independently organized TED (Technology Entertainment Design) event in Manhattan Beach. TED is all about Ideas Worth Spreading; you can find more about this at TED.com. While I learned so much during this one day event, I’ve found myself talking about a particular presentation about play and fun and see how this ‘plays’ out in work – mine, my clients’, and my 13 year old son’s.

Michael Shore, VP of Worldwide Consumer Insights at Mattel Inc. presented valuable research about what fun means to a wide cross section of kids, summarizing this with 10 Expressions of Fun. I’ve been measuring my sense of fun against these. And, after presenting this list to my video playing obsessed son, understand more about what he gets from these games, and appreciate more what we’re all really after. In fact, fun is absolutely key to a satisfying career. Check yourself against these 10 Expressions of Fun. How much are these a part of your work and life?

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