What’s Next?

It’s easy to get down and depressed when it seems like so many things aren’t happening the way you want them to. I meet with men and women who are working hard to find the next right thing for them and they come in stooped and frustrated. But they do perk up and become inspired once we scratch the surface and find the quiet possibilities that lie, often, just below the surface.

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Tell Us about Your New Job

Are you discouraged by the headlines about unemployment? I’m ready for some new ones. To that end I’m asking for your stories about how you found your new job or career — whether you worked with me or not. I know plenty of people who have created or found new positions and I want more people to hear the story that this does happen and how. Please ~ if you or someone you know has a story to share, please have them send it to me. We’ll post it. We need to give the other side of the story of unemployment to give others hope and inspiration. With heartfelt thanks, Daisy… Read More

What Have We Got For You?

I’m very curious about what’s happening ‘out there’. I read in today’s LA Times in a letter to the editor that this person can’t believe that even 30% of employed people feel ‘safe’ in their jobs. The piece is a complete bummer. I’m sorry that the LA Times chose to print this piece. I’m sorry that the media is fanning the flames of defeat and what looks to me like ‘resignation’. Yes, there are a lot of lay-offs and the job market is very tough. Does this mean that we should all buckle and fold and not lift ourselves up and get out there and connect and put our best foot forward? There are jobs out there. And there are ways to work; even if it’s for less money, less time, less security there are ways to keep yourself at it, on top of your search, on top of your… Read More

Arlene Carter's 'My Encore Moment" Story of Career Transformation

This article comes from Encore.com. For more inspiring stories of career transformation check out their great website! Arlene Carter’s ‘My Encore Moment” Story FROM HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR TO NONPROFIT FUNDRAISER Seattle, Washington After being laid from her real estate job, Arlene Carter rebounded and found truly satisfying work as a fundraiser for a senior community. When I was laid off from my job as HR Director/Office Manager for a real estate management/construction company, I was fortunate to be given a severance package that allowed me time to slow down and really think about what I wanted to do. I took long walks thinking about my last few jobs, ranging from being self-employed to working for a PR team that had a great idea for a dot.com business and just as quickly blew up when the bubble burst, to being in a very competitive work environment at a real… Read More

MBA students take stock amid troubling times

By Marco R. della Cava, USA TODAY PALO ALTO, Calif. — The unsparing tsunami of bad news created by the collapse of storied Wall Street banking firms has made its way 3,000 miles to the palm-studded campus of Stanford University. “Every day, it only seems to get worse,” says Ben Sloop, 29, of Atlanta, one of 740 students seeking an MBA at an institution known for incubating tomorrow’s business stars. (Think Google’s founders.) “You wonder, ‘Wow, if I get laid off at one firm, it’s not like I can now go to another.’ ” With his elite schooling, New York firms were an option. But now Sloop likes the feel of a job grounded in reality. So he’s thinking small. This past summer, he worked for an online company in nearby San Francisco that helps consumers manage their bills. The fit seems right. “This crisis has reinforced that I… Read More