An Introduction to Mindfulness – FREE Lecture with Daisy Swan

Monday, March 30, 2015 | 8-9 PM Mimoda Studio @ Paper or Plastik Cafe 5772 W. Pico Blvd. @ Ogden, Los Angeles, CA 90019 An Introduction to Mindfulness Mindfulness meditation is increasingly showing up in mass media as the antidote to contemporary stress. Why all the fuss? Over the past 15 years, hundreds of scientific research studies, and their published results, illustrate just how positively powerful this simple practice is for the human body and mind. Individuals and organizations are now embracing mindfulness practices in record numbers to counterbalance the non-stop demand and distraction of a world that is wildly connected via technology. Mindfulness meditation instructor Daisy Swan will discuss some of the important research that has recently surfaced in this area and provide resources for practice, as well as lead us in several mindfulness exercises that can be incorporated into daily life. Night School lectures are free and… Read More

How Will He Change Los Angeles?

Los Angeles Hires a Jobs Chief By TAMARA AUDI Facing a widening budget deficit and regional unemployment stuck above 12%, Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa has decided to place a vast swath of city government under a former private-sector executive charged with making Los Angeles more business friendly. On Monday, Mr. Villaraigosa is expected to name Austin Beutner, a former partner at private-equity giant Blackstone Group and co-founder of the boutique investment-banking firm Evercore Partners, as the ailing city’s first economy chief. The 49-year-old Mr. Beutner will have broad powers. About half of city government departments — from the Port of Los Angeles to the city’s sprawling Department of Water and Power utility — will report to him. Mr. Beutner will report directly to Mr. Villaraigosa. In a letter Mr. Villaraigosa sent to Mr. Beutner when hiring him, the mayor said, “I recognize we need a top to bottom revitalization and refocus… Read More

Effortless Networking

Effortless Networking (Another great installment from our guest blogger KSS) I have never felt that I am a well-connected person. Networking was never a comfortable notion as it seemed intimidating and felt insincere. After moving to Los Angeles nearly five years ago, all of this began to slowly change and unfold in its own authentic way. It seems that this huge city is more like a small town and I feel that I am separated from strangers by much less than six degrees. Now, as my social network expands, it also contracts and I find that new friends know old friends and it is indeed a small world after all. Making the transition from working professional to graduate program applicant is aided by this recently acquired social network, one I could never have expected. My interests lie in obtaining a doctorate so that I may teach, research, and work… Read More