Welcome Daisy’s New Associate Coach: Brooke Loesby, Esq.

Brooke Loesby, Esq. Growth occurs outside our comfort zone. Brooke serves as a trusted ally, a resource and a sounding board for your transition. She is skilled in helping clients navigate roadblocks and keeping them focused on their path. Brooke has a genuine passion and interest in their success. Guided by clients’ inner voices, Brooke lends her creativity, inquisitiveness, and enthusiasm to help them to manifest their calling. Brooke has assisted hundreds of clients in making important career and life transitions. Brooke’s approach is personalized and proactive; she works to help clarify their aspirations and assist them in achieving their goals. Brooke’s clients range from humanitarian activists to media and fashion professionals, to start up entrepreneurs and senior attorneys from Am Law 100 firms. Before coaching, Brooke experienced several career transitions of her own: for three years, she worked in legislation on Capital Hill, for Senator Larry E. Craig; as… Read More

An Introduction to Mindfulness – FREE Lecture with Daisy Swan

Monday, March 30, 2015 | 8-9 PM Mimoda Studio @ Paper or Plastik Cafe 5772 W. Pico Blvd. @ Ogden, Los Angeles, CA 90019 An Introduction to Mindfulness Mindfulness meditation is increasingly showing up in mass media as the antidote to contemporary stress. Why all the fuss? Over the past 15 years, hundreds of scientific research studies, and their published results, illustrate just how positively powerful this simple practice is for the human body and mind. Individuals and organizations are now embracing mindfulness practices in record numbers to counterbalance the non-stop demand and distraction of a world that is wildly connected via technology. Mindfulness meditation instructor Daisy Swan will discuss some of the important research that has recently surfaced in this area and provide resources for practice, as well as lead us in several mindfulness exercises that can be incorporated into daily life. Night School lectures are free and… Read More

Your Stimulus Plan

Wow. This has been some ride lately. If you’re reading this you may be looking for ways to cope with having been laid off, downsized, right sized, wrong sized, fired, or worried about all of the above happening to you. You may also be thinking ahead and trying to come up with proactive ways to approach your next moves in your career — Your Stimulus Plan. I’m with our President — we will recover from this chaos and more and new opportunities will appear. What does that statement do to you when you read that? Take a moment to notice. Are you skeptical? Too anxious and impatient to take a breath? Or do you brighten just a tiny bit? Any of these reactions will inform you of how your beliefs are affecting your actions, and therefore your outcomes. My previous post was about not engaging in job search… Read More