Let’s face it: unless you’re independently wealthy being unemployed is NOT fun. It’s NOT relaxing. It’s NOT a vacation. You’re constantly stressed out, worried about your finances, family, your future, wondering how long you can make it before you have to start making the tough choices. It’s a scary place. Now is the perfect time to turn that incapacitating fear into resolve, strength, and action. Make a shift in your state of mind. Use this time to empower and embolden yourself and explore other career options. And you do have options. They’re out there, just waiting for you to uncover them. Find yourself. Find your path. Find your future. Call us. We can help make this transition easier as you find your way. Read More

Entrepreneur Characteristics – The 5 “C’s” of Success

Mompreneur, dentist, franchisee, CEO, brick and mortar retailer, E-commerce Business Owner, Service Provider? How do you define yourself?

Merriam-Webster dictionary defines an entrepreneur as “one who organizes, manages, and assumes the risks of a business or enterprise.” That’s true, of course, but this definition doesn’t tell the whole story—namely the entrepreneur characteristics that define their success and, more importantly, the intrinsic drive it takes to achieve that success.

There are 5 entrepreneur characteristics that are common among anyone who strives to start and run his or her own business. These characteristics are found in entrepreneurs at any age, in any industry, and at any socioeconomic level.

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Is it time for you to be fired? Laid off?

More than one of my clients needs to be fired. OK, maybe just laid off. That would be ideal. One of my clients has been wanting to make a change in his life for years actually, but he’s so loyal to his employer that he just can’t seem to leave. We haven’t been working together on this for years — he’s come back to me a few times almost ready. Now there are so many good reasons to leave; he’s ready for more challenge, ready to develop new colleagues, get a different perspective on the world, more money would be fine but not necessary. Sometimes it’s just time to grow and learn more about everything. Now we’re laughing because there’s the possibility that he’ll be let go. And the fire under him would be lit and the energy ignited for change. I’m reading Po Bronson’s book, What Should I Do… Read More