“Confidence… thrives on honesty, on honor, on the sacredness of obligations, on faithful protection and on unselfish performance. Without them it cannot live.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt

You know when you have it. And when you don’t. Confidence can be so elusive when you want to have it the most. Have you laid awake the night before a big presentation or a job interview and wondered how you were going to make it through without totally embarrassing yourself? Or maybe you’re thinking its time for a promotion or a raise, or a career change, but you feel shaky…how can you speak up or muster the courage to make such a transition in your life?
I work with clients on their confidence issues all the time. Stepping up and out does take courage and I’ve found that just trying to muscle your way through to courage doesn’t feel very satisfying. That fake-it-till-you-make-it thing is helpful only just so far. I want you to know that you can do this thing — and know it fully.
I’ve helped women clients find the strength and confidence to speak up in meetings, develop their professional and leadership presence to increase their credibility, and to gain needed respect from supervisors and co-workers. Many of my male clients have needed to get past their discomfort of feeling weak because they think they’re asking for something when we just want them to re-connect with their valuable network – essential groundwork to unearth the positions they want (and get).
In short, I help clients refamiliarize themselves with themselves, and even discover new things about themselves so that their confidence grows and lives on well after our work together ends.
If you need some help with your confidence know that you’re not alone. We all struggle with imposter syndrome, that nasty inner critic and a mind that somehow loses sight of all we’ve ever accomplished when faced with a new challenge. Self-doubt can be tamed. Together we’ll have you feeling real, connected, genuine and strong. And maybe even relaxed!
Learn more about how we’ll work together. Contact me for your free consultation to explore your next options! [email protected]See what others have said about their work with me. These, and other, people I’ve worked with make up a remarkable network of people who have crafted fulfilling and satisfying careers.