How Big Is Your Bubble?
Daisy Swan – Career Coach
Guest Contributor for My L.A. Lifestyle
I’ve been thinking a lot about innovation and creativity. For years, actually. Most of the people I work with want to be creative in their work – or more creative, in fact, since many people I work with already are pretty creative. Seems like most of us feel really satisfied when we generate something unique, different, new, and which solves a problem in an elegant way. And getting paid and recognized for that, makes it even better. (No kidding.) But what helps us to be creative?
When I started reading Jonah Lehrer’s book “Imagine: How Creativity Works,” I felt like I hit pay dirt. I’d like this book to be required reading for folks in business, the fine and commercial arts, high schools, the sciences…there are so many useful nuggets in this book that we could put to work in our schools, workplaces and communities that could genuinely impact our level of innovation as a nation. Big statement, I know.