Making Work Work
Making Work Work:
A Women’s Group for Mothers Transitioning Back to Work and
Those Adjusting to Being Back at Work
Facilitated by Daisy Swan, MA, CPCC, Career Coach and Sharon Berg, Ph.D.
Starting Saturday, January 27, 2007
10AM- 12PM
Limited to 8 Participants
Making Work Work is designed to be an empowering place for mothers to sort out the challenges of working in two vital places – home and work with the intention of holistically increasing satisfaction. Participants will enjoy lively discussions and supportive facilitation by a team of two professionals an experienced Career Coach, and a Clinical Psychologist – who know the terrain of the juggling act and all that it demands. Join us as we explore, and find, creative and satisfying solutions to make work and home life work better.
What you will get:
- Monthly supportive and engaging meetings with other women who are grappling with similar challenges and transitions
- Practical and useful coaching and support to reach individual goals
- Ideas and inspiration to take action
- Useful tools and resources
- Meaningful connection with other women making positive choices
This group will meet one time per month for six months. This six month commitment will enable group members to establish and reach desired goals. This is not group therapy, but rather, supportive discussion with purpose.
The cost of the series includes one two-hour group meeting each month, useful resources and handouts, and unlimited email support for $400 for the 6 month period, or approximately $66 per meeting an excellent value when you consider that two dedicated professionals are facilitating this customized program in a comfortable and confidential setting.
If you are considering getting back to work and want support in taking the steps to make that a reality, or are at work and want work to work better, plan to join us for monthly inspiring, and motivating group discussion.
The facilitators:
Sharon Berg, PhD (PSY 18987), has been a therapist specializing in children and families for 8 years in Los Angeles. She balances a career and family life with her husband and 13 month-old daughter. Daisy Swan, MA, CPCC is a Certified Co-Active Coach and a career counselor in private practice for 12 years. She enjoys life with her husband, her 10 year old son and their 2 dogs.