Sick and Tired and Burnt Out.
Not very inspiring words. But doesn’t speaking the truth help sometimes? I’ve been talking to so many people who are feeling this way lately. Those of you who have been looking for work — I know it can be draining and truly it takes a lot of mental discipline to keep at it. And those who I talk to who are employed are feeling the anxiety of the ‘what if’…what if things change here and my job goes away? What if I don’t get all of this work done — which is so much more now because staff has gotten leaner. Lots of burn out brewing out there one way or another.
So what are we going to do? PRESS RESET.
It’s time for beginner’s mind all over again. What does this mean? It’s about taking a moment and making a choice. Stay in fear, overwhelm and fatigue, or allow a fresh perspective to blow in to bring calm, and a new and remembered sense of confidence. Confidence, in my book, is relaxation and action together. Take a moment to stop and remember who you are, who you have been at your most relaxed and able. What would you do next to rejuvenate yourself remembering that sense of confidence? Hint – go towards something doable that’s fun. Doesn’t have to be big, expensive or next month. Fun is the antidote to burn out and if doled out in moderation we can feel re-energized to do what needs doing with a lighter load on our shoulders. Getting things done is important, sure. But these days we could all use a little ‘whistling while we work’ perspective to lighten the load.
Agree? Disagree? What’s working for you? Let me know.