Are You Really Ready To Quit Your Job?

Ask yourself these 4 questions before you take the plunge

Sometimes you just want to throw in the towel and move on. After the holidays, coming back to work can leave you feeling drained and wiped out at the end of the day. Your motivation is low, perhaps your mood is too. To compensate, you scan jobs on all of the internet, but nothing looks interesting because these jobs look like what you’re already doing.

Or perhaps, they ALL look inviting because even if it’s similar, it’s not where you are now. Maybe you feel boxed in because you need the money you’re making and don’t feel like you can afford a cut or loss of benefits right now. Maybe you’re finally doing well and have accumulated some good vacation time and a bit of stature and really don’t want to lose it.

So what do you do when you feel claustrophobic and ready to run? Before you bolt, take a few deep breaths and dig a little deeper to make sure you’re making a smart decision. As a career coach I can assure you, the last thing you want to do is make a life-altering decision out of fear, impulse or reaction.

To make sure you’re choosing the BEST next step for your life, ask yourself these 4 questions:

  • What do you really stand to lose and gain from making a move now? List out all of the things you have going for you in your current job. What would you hope to get more of in your next position? Have you really explored what’s possible in your current company?A former client was ready to throw in the towel before he made the best use of his network within his company. After reaching out to a few key contacts at his company he was able to make the life altering career change he’d always hoped for. It’s been years and he’s still there doing amazing work.
  • How is the rest of your life going? If you aren’t feeling fulfilled in the rest of your life it’s not unusual to focus on the one area you may feel you have the most control over. Perhaps that’s your work life?Rate the different areas of your life from 1-10, (10 being really great) and ask yourself how satisfied you are with each one: fun and recreation, your health, friendships, family relationships, intimate relationship, your own personal development, and your money. How’s your life looking? Are there noticeable areas that need more attention?It may be that focusing on one or more of those areas is enough to bring back the satisfaction you’re missing in this moment.
  • How is your work day structured? You may have gotten into a rut that’s not working anymore. What are little changes that you could make that would bring more pleasure to your day? What little things could you switch up for a new approach tomorrow?Maybe rearrange your desk and office environment so it feels fresh. Or change up your morning routine to start by sending an email of appreciation to a colleague every day for a week and notice how you feel (hint: research shows that people feel happier when they give the gift of thanks to others!). Notice what happens after a couple of weeks.
  • Are your other ducks in a row? Have you updated your resume and your LinkedIn profile? By adding your latest accomplishments, and any new skills you’ve learned or developed, you’ll feel better about who you are and what you’re proud of in your life.Then you’ll be ready to connect with others for networking inside and outside of your current company. You will ALSO be ready for recruiters trolling on LinkedIn!Regardless of your decision to stay or leave, this exercise will also give you some newly found confidence to talk with your boss about new possibilities at your current company if you choose to say.

Job changes happens all the time, but there can be real benefits to hanging in there. Just remember, that other people in your organization are also contemplating making changes and if someone leaves, there could be more opportunity for you to do something new without you having to leave.

Truth be told, longevity within a company can offer great benefits over the long haul including great retirement plans, stock options, or a pension plan. We do know, however, that the way up often requires a move out, and further growth somewhere else.

Need help making your career decisions, or making your next moves? I’ve worked with thousands of clients over the past 25 years. Contact me and we’ll see what’s next for you. [email protected]