Client Success Story: Kathleen
Like many recent college graduates, I felt lost and alone. I craved to establish a sense of belonging. Afraid to admit my shortcomings, I withdrew into myself. Negative self-talk like, “you are not good enough, smart enough, qualified enough” dominated my thinking. Social gatherings became less desirable. I did everything I could to avoid the dreaded question, “So what do you do?” I did not know this person. Where was the determined young woman I worked so hard to become?
After a lay off and months of sitting in my pajamas feeling down on myself, I finally had enough. I started researching career counselors in the Los Angeles area, which is how I discovered Daisy Swan. From the beginning Daisy put me at ease with her warm demeanor. She encouraged me to reflect on my values instead of focusing on my fear. I knew I wanted to work with and empower people, but I was not sure in what capacity. With a new sense of determination I began to research and apply to nonprofits and fellowships locally and abroad.
I applied to the AmeriCorps National Teaching Fellowship and was immediately contacted for an interview. I became proactive instead of inactive. I followed up every interview round via LinkedIn and email. I reached out to my new contacts to discuss their experiences with the program and for interview advice. Four interview rounds later, I am happy to say I accepted an AmeriCorps Teaching Fellow in the Bay Area.
I graduated almost exactly a year ago. Up till this point it seemed like every day was slipping away from me. The possibility of successfully making the transition from college to a career appeared out of reach. I whole-heartedly believe there are lessons to be learned in our darkest hours. First, do not be afraid to ask for help, especially when times are hard. Second, do not let others dictate how you lead your life. Finally, let your values guide your aspirations. I am beyond grateful for Daisy’s support during these uncertain times. I finally feel like I am on my way to the meaningful career and life I intended.