Summer 2018 Newsletter

Helping with Your Career Development for 15 Years!


Greetings for a hot summer week! I hope you, like me, are enjoying your summer regardless of (or because of) the heat! While I’ve been enjoying summer, I’ve also been hard at work thinking about new programs to offer to help with career clarity and satisfaction. I’ve been listening hard to what my clients are processing, changing and living through. There continue to be patterns that I noticed years ago when I first launched my website in 2003! Hard to believe I’ve had my website up for 15 years now, and have been busily working with people of all ages to maneuver through their career quandaries for almost thirty years!


For years I had featured on my website my perspective about what I called the LifeStages – patterns I noticed my clients were experiencing at various times in their lives. I think it’s worth sharing these here again because they continue to be obvious to me. Perhaps you’ll be able to see yourself in one, or even a few of these LifeStages. Because life has become even faster paced then when I first wrote about this, almost 10 years ago, I notice that there’s more blending of these stages now. You’ll see there is some age oriented chronology here, but you may also notice that you may be older but feel like you’re at the Beginning Lifestage, again. Or you may be younger, a Millennial, and feel like Authenticity is what resonates.

Take a read and see where you fit.


Beginning sounds like:

  • I don’t know where to start. I’m so confused about how I’ll get all of the things I want in my life; it’s so overwhelming.
  • What do I want to do with my life?
  • Should I go to graduate school? Now or later?
  • Where should I live?
  • Which job should I take?
  • What should I spend money on? I had no idea everything would be so expensive!
  • I’ve been in this assistant position for a while; how do I know when it’s time to move on?
  • How do I move on to a new job? I work all the time so I don’t know how to look for a new job and get this job done. How do I quit without burning bridges?
  • I’ve got too many interests….I don’t know how to narrow down my options.


Roadblock sounds like:

  • I’m looking at all of my friends and they’ve made more progress than me.
  • I’ve just been laid off and feel discouraged. How do I get moving now?
  • My wife just had a baby and we need to figure out how we’re going to juggle everything. I, or she, needs to find a new way of working so we can manage all of this.
  • We just got married and I’m re-thinking what I want my career to look like.
  • I’ve been working for 9 years and I’m burnt out and frustrated. Is this what I’m going to do for the rest of my life?
  • I thought I would have accomplished some major milestones by now, but I haven’t.
  • It’s time for a new job and lifestyle. I’ve just gone through a divorce and I need to change how I’m doing everything!
  • I’m an associate in law/ accounting/advertising firm and I’m sick of it. What do I do now?


Authenticity sounds like:

  • I’ve been through so much and have accomplished a lot; now I need to put things together so they really work for me.
  • My life has recently changed (divorce, kids out of the house, married, remarried, finished further education) and I want to put my life together to create my ‘life’s work’.
  • I need to let go of old ways of doing things and I don’t know how. I’m finally ready to make a change I’ve been thinking about for a while.
  • I feel an excitement about doing something new with my life and work, but I don’t know what it needs to look like.
  • I’ve put a lot of my life on hold for my family; now I’m really ready to do something fulfilling for me.
  • I want to live a good life and make a lot of money. I finally know I can make this happen but I’m not exactly sure of the steps.


Wisdom sounds like:

  • I’ve done a lot of things, and have achieved a level of success. Now I’m ready to try something really different, and meaningful, with my life.
  • Who will want to hire me at my age?
  • I’d like to work but not like I used to. I don’t have the need/desire/stamina to work the way I used to.
  • My spouse has retired and has more time, but I need/like/want to keep working at something. How can this work?
  • I feel like I have to do something with my life that is meaningful. If I’m ever going to do it, I have to do it now.
  • I’m healthy, active and smart. Just because I’m older doesn’t mean I don’t want to work!


No matter what LifeStage you’re at, we can figure out new actions to get you on your right career path. And maybe career isn’t even the right term for you…Maybe it’s just finding out what the right lifestyle is for you – period. We can figure it out. If you want to have a free consultation to hear options for how we can work together shoot us an email at [email protected], or give a call at 877-872-3929.