What is your message to potential employers?
Hats off to Donnie Grooms. He generated the interest and attention he needed to get a new job that he desperately needs. But this story also highlights a fundamental issue that many people face…he doesn’t say what he’s really looking to do and how he wants to add value to an organization!
If you got the attention of potential employers what would you tell them you’re looking to do? It’s incumbent on us to know what we bring to the table. Here are some questions for you, and Donnie, to consider to help you to be prepared to talk to anyone about what you’d like to be doing in your next position:
- What are you really gifted at – what’s that thing you do without even thinking that helps an organization or individuals be better?
- If you, like Donnie, want to help people, what do you feel most impassioned to help people with? What’s the need that most speaks to you? Donnie spent time and money on chiropractor school, but didn’t complete the certifications necessary to do the real work. I’d love for him to move past that roadblock! But if that’s not an option, maybe targeting wellness or healthcare organizations makes sense.
- What have former employers and co-workers appreciated about you and your contributions? Review what’s worked, and also what hasn’t. Consider creating a job description for yourself that includes those aspects you most enjoy as well as the ‘meat’ of jobs that just comes with the territory…in other words, sometimes we have to accept that admin work, for example, is going to come with the more creative aspects of creating a new program or campaign that we love doing. We may not like that, but we know it will be there. It’s important to include some of the ‘givens’.
- Research job descriptions that appeal to you to discover what skills or technology you need to hit the ground running. This could be daunting, but it’s essential to stay relevant! Online, free tutorials can prepare you to learn and then speak about these skills. Look for Community College or extension classes that may offer low-cost options for learning, or find individuals (even our kids!) who can teach us the tricks of these tools.
Be prepared for your moment in the spotlight, so you can shine effectively!
Read more about Donnie’s story here >>