Hate Networking? Don't Do It!

Social networking, networking events, speed networking, alumni networking. That overused term — Networking… it’s enough to make anyone overwhelmed and stuck. Especially if you’re someone who has been working steadily, paying attention to making projects move along the way they’re supposed to. Not to mention taking care of kids, home, pets and maybe Little League, and then staying on top of the news. But suddenly the apple cart is turned up-side-down — news of a lay-off comes. Now you’re supposed to start networking (can you hear the exasperation?). My clients routinely tell me ‘I hate networking!’ ‘Agh – it’s the networking that’s the worst!’ ‘I hate those time wasting events that you have to go to. Why bother?’ I have heard more versions of that statement. Personally, I love to meet new people. I love to learn about what others are thinking and learning and arguing about. I love to… Read More

Learn to Use Technology to Find Who and What You Want

Knowing how to properly use technology, and specifically sites like Linked In, Facebook, and Myspace, can be instrumental in your search for job opportunities. However, these sites have the potential to do more harm than good if they are not used effectively. The first thing to consider when using technology to aid in a job search is the specific message you want to send. Remember that people often assess you based on information from a variety of sources, so having a consistent message is essential. Everything from your photos online to the voice message on your phone should be kept clean and professional. In addition, you can show your initiative by creating your own website that has your resume, writing samples, or a portfolio of work experience on it. From here you can start to think about creating or updating your profile on the various social networking sites. Keep in… Read More