Finding Remote Work

With orders to stay at home as the “new normal,” and plenty of businesses temporarily shuttering to protect staff and customers, many people are suddenly out of work… And even with unemployment programs, furlough pay, and other sources of income, remote work is looking like the best option to earn a living.So, how do you find a remote job? The search can be a bit overwhelming because there are a ton of great resources available. Like any other job search, there’s a degree of toil and combing through your options. Diligence is often the name of the game here, where hunting through search results and filling out lots of applications is just part of the process. Break up your day so you aren’t spending too much time on the job search in one sitting. Job searching of any kind can be exhausting and especially these days you need to pace… Read More

Vulnerability and The Job Search

Hunting for work is tough…No matter what. In most cases, the job search is happening because you’re 1) out of work, 2) feeling stuck at your current position and want to move up and into more challenging work, 3) need more money, 4) are moving to a new place, 5) can’t stand your boss or the politics at work. All of these situations come with their own stressors. Even if you’re just ready for new challenges and are ready to move up and out, looking for a new job without the pressure of needing to move – it still isn’t easy! Whether you recognize it or not, the very act of job searching makes anyone feel vulnerable. From the online search, to asking friends (or others we don’t even consider friends) and family for advice or help, from dusting off the resume, to the awkwardness of being interviewed… pretty much… Read More

Managing Your Career Path: Use The Bridge Job to Take You Where You Really Want to Go

The Real Career PathIt’s so motivating to see yourself making it to your dream job—having that vision that propels you forward; it’s that inspiration that keeps driving you even when you have a bad day or week. But sometimes the path to get you where you want to go isn’t as straightforward as you might have thought. Maybe you think that path has a straight line trajectory, but reality tells you that things aren’t quite so simple. My experience with thousands of career transition and executive clients makes me certain that the uninterrupted upward, straight line to success isn’t what most people experience. Once you have a vision, think backwards. Life often doesn’t go as planned so I want you to think as flexibly and creatively as possible. If you become too fixated on what you expect the next job needs to be you may end up frustrated at a… Read More

At a Career Crossroad? Ask Yourself These Questions NOW

You’re on your way to work and you find yourself wondering how did I get here? The job you thought was going to be so great has become so laborious you find yourself wanting to turn around and go home, to get back in bed, to pull the covers over your head. Your boss, your to- do list, even some of your team mates are sucking you dry. This is not where you thought you’d find yourself. Where do you even start when you don’t know what you want to do? Do not do what most people do! Most people will start idly scrolling through job postings online! This is one of the most disheartening things you can do to yourself. I say this because I hear it all the time. Most people will spend way too much time reading job descriptions, focus on the one or two things they… Read More

What’s love got to do with work?

The venerable Tina Turner used to belt out those powerful lyrics, What’s love got to do with it? You’ve probably heard the adage Do what you love and the money will follow…Or that famous one, If you love what you do you’ll never work a day in your life. I know both of these to be absolutely true so indeed it turns out that love has a lot to do with WORK! What does loving what we do look like? Think about what love means to you. When I love something or someone I give my full attention. I’m all in. I listen, I look deeply to understand what’s happening. I want to know more. I do what I say I’m going to do and I do it with a willingness and a feeling of generosity and care. I want to know how to be able to love even better… Read More

How to Shift Your Energy to HIGH When You’re Running Low

You know those days when you’ve got a big meeting, or you’re heading to an interview or a networking function and you just don’t really feel like you’ve got the juice?? I know those days and times, and I’m a pretty cheerful person most of the time. No matter if you’re an extrovert or introvert, there are just those times when you’d rather crawl into your shell and lay low rather than step into that bright light and SHINE.   Here are a few tips to help you successfully be your best self even on those low-luster days…   Remember a few of your favorite things…Yes. Just like in Sound of Music. When we bring to mind the people or activities that make us feel good we can actually start to feel better. Thinking of a loved one and imagining giving them a gift that they are happy about, or… Read More

Summer 2018 Newsletter

Helping with Your Career Development for 15 Years!                                                                               Greetings for a hot summer week! I hope you, like me, are enjoying your summer regardless of (or because of) the heat! While I’ve been enjoying summer, I’ve also been hard at work thinking about new programs to offer to help with career clarity and satisfaction. I’ve been listening hard to what my clients are processing, changing and living through. There continue to be patterns that I noticed years ago when I first launched my website in 2003! Hard to believe I’ve had my website up for 15 years now, and have been busily working with people of all ages to maneuver through their career quandaries for almost thirty years!   For years I had featured on my website my perspective about what I called the LifeStages – patterns I noticed my clients were experiencing at various times in their… Read More

Should You be in a Certificate Program to Retool?

Career Development and Educational Options Abound Certificate programs, and other short terms classes, are now easy to find to help everyone update their technical, data, social media and e-commerce skills no matter where they are in their career trajectory. For example, General Assembly (GA), with local locations in Santa Monica and DTLA (and all across the USA) offers intensives that many of my clients have enrolled in to increase their skills and open new career doors as data scientists, data analysts, coders and product managers. My son actually attended GA in their intensive 12-week Data Science program over the summer before he went into his sophomore year. He’s now graduating from college with a great job doing work he loves, and has a bright future ahead in the Big Data world. Many other programs, often called Boot Camps, are available online and in other cities, that provide rigorous, hands-on training. UCLA… Read More

Do You Know How to Keep Your Next Options Open?

I want to share one of the top issues most of my clients and I discuss early on in their work with me. These scenarios, below, may sound like a familiar. If so, and you’re a former or current client, please don’t think I’m using your personal story here…it could be one of many of my clients! Something happens. Something changes. A client has been working in a particular job or industry for years. Could be 7 years, could be 20. Working diligently, head down, doing a good job, maybe really liking their work…but… something happens. There’s a re-org and they’re suddenly let go, or the client has gotten married and now they need to switch gears and find something that is more lucrative, or flexible for a new baby on the way, or maybe they’ve been traveling so much for work that it’s putting a strain on their marriage… Read More