Daisy Swan – Career Coach Guest Contributor for My L.A. Lifestyle We are all so good at ‘shoulding’ on ourselves. So very accomplished at this. I ‘should’ get that project finished tonight; I ‘should’ go to the gym; I ‘should’ make that call, etc. Think about it, though: What’s the next word that usually follows a ‘should’? [Pause. Think.] I would assert that the next word is usually ‘but’. ‘Shoulds’ have the magical effect of eliciting a rebelliousness or irritation that keeps most of us from taking action on that very ‘should’. Not always, but often. ’But’ I have three other things to do first; ‘but’ I’m starving; ‘but’ I don’t have the information that they need, yet…you know the drill. ‘Shoulds’ are real anxiety-provoking thoughts. When we have so many things to do, and so many options for actions to take, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. ‘Shoulds’… Read More