Client Success Story: Peter

I was very fortunate to work with Daisy as I was retooling my resume and improving my interviewing skills.  She always had the appropriate and useful comment for any issue I presented.  Equally important, she did not use kid-gloves, but rather told me what I needed to hear.  I felt she took a sincere interest in my goals and potential and showed leadership, yes, she lead me to a more marketable position as a candidate.  Indeed, only one month after our sessions ended, I was offered a position. – Peter, NJ 8/2014… Read More

Client Success Story: Jeff

My experience with Daisy was exceptional, and exceeded my expectations. I came to her seeking advice about how to take the next step in my career. She helped me clarify my personal and professional goals, and helped me visualize a career path that met my personal and professional goals. Daisy also helped me see that the perfect role was out there for me, and worked with me on a strategy to find it. Her care, diligence, and thoughtful advice were invaluable throughout the entire process, from career exploration to offer and acceptance. I highly recommend Daisy Swan for anyone looking to grow as a professional. – Jeff, May 2015… Read More

Client Success Story: Kathleen

Like many recent college graduates, I felt lost and alone. I craved to establish a sense of belonging. Afraid to admit my shortcomings, I withdrew into myself. Negative self-talk like, “you are not good enough, smart enough, qualified enough” dominated my thinking. Social gatherings became less desirable.  I did everything I could to avoid the dreaded question, “So what do you do?”  I did not know this person. Where was the determined young woman I worked so hard to become? After a lay off and months of sitting in my pajamas feeling down on myself, I finally had enough. I started researching career counselors in the Los Angeles area, which is how I discovered Daisy Swan. From the beginning Daisy put me at ease with her warm demeanor. She encouraged me to reflect on my values instead of focusing on my fear. I knew I wanted to work with… Read More

Enter 2013! Time to reboot.

Guest Contributor for My L.A. Lifestyle As 2013 rounds into view, I’m seeing the light at the end of the tunnel – in fact, there’s lots of data that says we all are. We’ve lived through several remarkable years that have stretched everyone in a myriad of ways. Finally, it looks like we may be emerging from the worst of the retracted job market. But this is still not the job market that it once was. Many people have had to change how they work, learn and retool, and many people have endured jobs that they’d rather have left, after co-workers were let go and work demands increased. Even if your work hasn’t changed, the pace of life has increased as emails, technologies, and choices flood our lives. With increased responsibilities, loss, and overwhelm – and ultimately, stress – we tend to emotionally retract into a defensive posture. We can… Read More

What Matters – From Side Dish to Main Course

Guest Contributor for My L.A. Lifestyle At a barbecue the other night, a new acquaintance was telling me that she had the hardest time staying motivated to do her job. She’s a single mom raising two teenagers, so she needs her steady income. But to feed her spirit, she has a robust side-business teaching children to play instruments. Essentially, she’s working two jobs. The job that has her feeling like she’s really engaged, where she really loses herself in the activity of her work? Teaching music. Is it exhausting to do this and her regular job? Yes. But in an energized, fulfilling way that comes with knowing she’s made a difference. “It’s instant gratification,” she tells me. “I can see how these children develop and learn in one lesson, not to mention what they’ve learned by the time they perform at the recital,” she says, laughing. Her energy is up,… Read More

Getting In On the Ground Floor to Grow a Business and Grow New Grad Skills

What a great opportunity to get your hands dirty in an entrepreneurial venture. During this time of change in our economy this is a life changing opportunity.

Ivy League senior Ethan Carlson recently turned down a job with a global-energy consulting practice and instead pledged to spend two years working for an entrepreneur, perhaps with a focus on renewable energy, in a struggling U.S. city.

“I want to make an impact not only on myself, my career and my finances, but also society around me, and my local community,” the 21-year-old mechanical-engineering major at Yale University says.

The project he plans to join, Venture for America, was founded by Andrew Yang, the former chief executive of Manhattan GMAT, a test-preparation company acquired in 2009 by Kaplan, a Washington Post Co.

Venture for America says it was inspired by Teach for America, which places recent college graduates at schools in low-income communities for two years. This summer its first crop of about 50 “fellows” will be placed at small businesses such as Drop the Chalk, an education-software firm in New Orleans, and Andera Inc., an online-account-opening firm in Providence, R.I.

The companies will pay participants $32,000 to $38,000 a year, plus health benefits. The program includes a five-week program at Brown University that mimics training for consulting and investment banking.

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