Sick and Tired and Burnt Out.

Not very inspiring words. But doesn’t speaking the truth help sometimes? I’ve been talking to so many people who are feeling this way lately. Those of you who have been looking for work — I know it can be draining and truly it takes a lot of mental discipline to keep at it. And those who I talk to who are employed are feeling the anxiety of the ‘what if’…what if things change here and my job goes away? What if I don’t get all of this work done — which is so much more now because staff has gotten leaner. Lots of burn out brewing out there one way or another.

So what are we going to do? PRESS RESET.

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What’s Next?

It’s easy to get down and depressed when it seems like so many things aren’t happening the way you want them to. I meet with men and women who are working hard to find the next right thing for them and they come in stooped and frustrated. But they do perk up and become inspired once we scratch the surface and find the quiet possibilities that lie, often, just below the surface.

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A Lesson from The Suns

Steve Nash has been an inspiration to me since the first time I saw him play, live, at the Staples Center years ago. I recently read a great article about him in Sports Illustrated. What struck me was Stoudemire’s statement here about how success on the court manifests — through creative vision and seeing. “When you have creative minds, you get involved in different sports, in different cultures, and it allows you to open up on the basketball court and just be yourself. Steve’s a heck of a soccer player. He’s one of those skateboard guys. For the most part, you want to be yourself. Being yourself allows you to play better, to have more fun. It opens up your spirit.” Take a moment to assess how open you are to what’s going on around you. What energy are you leaving on the table? How engaged are you in a… Read More

Connecting, Man Style…

How many times in the past year have you found yourself thinking ‘This isn’t the way it was supposed to go’? This unemployment thing has taken us by surprise. Not only the layoffs and cutbacks but also the length of time it’s taking to find that next job. And to make matters worse, the salaries out there have, in many, many cases been cut as well. So, no, this isn’t the way it was supposed to go. Especially if you’ve done everything you were supposed to do. Education, played well with others, learned the ins and outs of your industry.

For men this has been a particularly tough time. I work with a lot of men and for them it’s particularly difficult to talk with others about what they are looking for in this next go round. Forget about talking about the disappointment and resentment that this downturn has created, we know that’s rough to do. Reaching out to that network isn’t easy. Jeffrey Zaslow, in a recent Wall Street Journal article, wrote about the way men do friendship. They don’t sit around commiserating with their buds about their unemployment, issues at home, etc…they’ll quietly deal with their problems over sharing their pain.

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How to make career

Life is not easy as many people around here say… many difficulties come when it’s time to think about a future job. Most of all, many young people have this fear to be inadequate and they feel very unsure about a job interview. With this article we want to help you find your way to your own career. A few important tips will be given to suggest you the right attitude towards a first job interview. 1. Consider that making a career means much more than getting money to live. It means to choose your whole future life, so it’s important you feel really ready to make this decision. We do also know that young people are pressed and sometimes overpressed by their families to go and choice a career, this may lead to a wrong step in life. 2. keep an open minded attitude towards your chosen profession and… Read More

Keeping Up with the Changing World of Work

New opportunities continue to appear.  How is your work changing? Let me know if you see trends in your work.

10 Careers That Didn’t Exist 10 Years Ago


Every so often, you meet someone with a job title that makes you go, “Huh?” Either it’s too technical to understand, too hard to describe or in some cases, people just may not have heard of it. But, why would someone not have heard about a job’s existence?

Simple: All the changes that have come about in the past 10 years, from environmental policy to emerging technologies to the recession, have contributed to the creation of careers that never could have existed before.

Dom Sagolla, co-creator of Twitter, for example, recently made the switch from working in research and development at Adobe to creating iPhone applications with his company, DollarApp. Sagolla is also authoring a book, “140 Characters,” which demonstrates the effect of hypertext on literature by redefining the concept of “the book” using Twitter and iPhone to start, he says. Could he have done this 10 years ago? Doubtful.

“I’ve noticed that the best-of-breed iPhone apps incorporate Twitter and social networks, and the best Twitter apps seem to be on iPhone,” Sagolla says. “That is no coincidence: The two came to prominence at roughly the same time. I’ve worked hard to position myself at intersection of those two industries, which form a vortex of attention and zeal that is unmatched.”

Here is a little information about 10 careers that didn’t exist a decade ago:

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How To Adopt A Winners’ Attitude In Life

Some people are natural born winners; others need help to discover their combat spirit and learn how to not to go through life while into a trance. Self improvement is essential for the changing process leading to a winners’ attitude. The same goes for finding a clear path in life, staying away from distractions, and not negative thinking affect your reaching of your goals. And probably some of the best examples of people adopting winners’ attitudes are professional poker players making millions. Since playing poker is not a regular 9 to 5 type of a job you can apply for, but rather an independent profession you will need to ace if you want to make a living off of it, winners’ attitudes are a must. Here are a few inspiring tips for those of you who are sincerely interested in leaving their humdrum existence behind only to adopt… Read More

E-learning: all you have to know

Since internet was invented, so much changed in our daily life. First off, our way to get info or to pay for a purchase: how many online banks are there today? Probably, even more than we think to know! And how many video tutorials are out there? Hundreds or maybe even thousands. We can easily learn from watching a video tutorial rather than reading long explanation without to directly see “how-to-do”. Probably, you have already experienced how easy and free to access the web is and this is exactly the reasons why the e-learning is increasing more and more. A new way to learn things When we talk about e-learning, we basically means a sort of electronic approach to the subjects to learn. In short, e-learning means to learn something via internet through a computer. This kind of learning is particularly helpful for university and other academy courses. Read More

Change: Coming Soon to a New Job for You

I hope you’ll be as intrigued as I am by this article. The changes we’ll see in work in the next decade will be exciting and expanding. Here’s a taste.

Matching Life Experience With New Careers


HEALTH navigator? Conflict coach? Pollution mitigation outreach worker? These emerging jobs aren’t household terms yet, but they are a natural fit for older people looking for new career opportunities, said Phyllis Segal, vice president at Civic Ventures, a nonprofit research group based in San Francisco.

“Many of today’s new encore careers build on multiple work and life experiences, so they are a good match for older adults who’ve spent decades in the workplace,” Ms. Segal said. To help older workers upgrade skills for such jobs, she added, community colleges, online degree programs and intensive workshops are expanding training and fast-track certification programs.

Jobs in health care, education, government and nonprofit organizations are likely to grow in coming years because of an aging population, pending retirements and demographic changes, said Barry Bluestone, a labor economist at Northeastern University.

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What's Fun Got to Do With It?

This past weekend I had the good fortune to attend an independently organized TED (Technology Entertainment Design) event in Manhattan Beach. TED is all about Ideas Worth Spreading; you can find more about this at While I learned so much during this one day event, I’ve found myself talking about a particular presentation about play and fun and see how this ‘plays’ out in work – mine, my clients’, and my 13 year old son’s.

Michael Shore, VP of Worldwide Consumer Insights at Mattel Inc. presented valuable research about what fun means to a wide cross section of kids, summarizing this with 10 Expressions of Fun. I’ve been measuring my sense of fun against these. And, after presenting this list to my video playing obsessed son, understand more about what he gets from these games, and appreciate more what we’re all really after. In fact, fun is absolutely key to a satisfying career. Check yourself against these 10 Expressions of Fun. How much are these a part of your work and life?

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