Dreaming In Color

Guest Contributor for My L.A. Lifestyle I love to bake. Pies, in particular. I often do this while listening to NPR on KCRW. So when I had learned that Evan Kleiman of the noteworthy KCRW show, “Good Food”, was teaching a class on pies at The Gourmandise School in Santa Monica, I signed up immediately. I’ve made a lot of pies, but I’m self-taught. To learn from Evan — well, you can imagine (or maybe have experienced) the thrill of just standing next to someone who’s an idol (say, Kobe or Derek Jeter, Hillary Clinton or Annie Lebowitz) — it’s a kick and well, a moment. Evan owned and ran her restaurant, Angeli Caffe, for about 27 years and made the hard decision to close it last winter. I’ve listened to scores of interviews that Evan’s done on her KCRW show and have always appreciated her straightforward conversational style, the inside scoop on the… Read More

Livelihood Is True Fun

Finding one's true vocation, and, forming a healthy (self-directed) livelihood is really everybody's baseline responsibility in life. Most people think (or, they are told, and they believe it) that getting a 'good' job and an adequate if not comfortable income is the way to go. Others, who tend to be entrepreneurs, question whether either a job or an income are enjoyable, liberating enough ways to live.   Paradigm Shift Within   While it is true enough that our present age offers unparalleled opportunity for adopting one's own livelihood, there is another kind of healthy shift within oneself that is probably primary. Some like to use the phrase, 'out of the box', and we could apply this to the ideas that employment and income are good, if we're open-minded enough to do that. We could, by contrast, think of entrepreneurship, humanitarianism, or even personal leisure as the new baseline —… Read More

How To Pick Your Career – And Make The Right Choice

For starters, you are not the only one who was born not knowing what he wants to do when he grows up. So don’t be too harsh with yourself. Secondly, choosing a career is a serious decision that requires quite some reflection and consideration and it is perfectly fine to feel you need an extra pair of hands to find the right path. Below are a few tips on how to program your thinking so you can focus on your personal interests and desires, goals and talents, abilities and values and seal the right deal for your future.   Assess Your Skills This means you will need to look deeper into your own self and discover which are the things you are truly passionate about or interested in. there are plenty of books and specialized online resources that should help you get started on this self-assessment journey. Take your… Read More

Are You A Narcissist?

Have you ever thought of yourself as being a narcissist? Have you ever felt that way about others? What is it that led to that opinion? According to many, we have more and more of these people around us; but what exactly is narcissism? Generally speaking, it is defined as a set of behaviors that focus on self-centeredness taken to the extreme. There are healthier expressions of narcissism in their moderate forms; healthy narcissism that stimulates us to work out and be fit to look good can however be taken to the wrong side of things. Namely, many confront with the so-called pathological form of narcissism that gets in the way of one’s happiness and ability to function as a normal individual. Which category do you think you fall into? Here are a few tips that should help you figure things out.   You Are Obsessed With Your… Read More

Leadership And Mindful Awareness

Mindful awareness is a concept that bring together certain practices and that can contribute largely to the improved leadership styles. A great leader is one who can figure out how to influence people and make them follow them, rather than simply think about how to reach their goals. Having sufficient influence on the people around you is not enough to make you an excellent leader, though. People need to be able to put their trust into you, while feeling your empathy, feeling hope and stability are coming from your direction. Below you will discover a few of the critical skills you will need to show off in order to significantly boost your leadership.   Get Connected The Right Way   Use as much connectivity you can make use of to achieve the results you desire; be as intuitive and strategic as you can and learn how important it… Read More

7 Actions to Take When You Need an Attitude Adjustment (Particularly during a Job Search)

Guest Contributor for My L.A. Lifestyle We all face those stuck times when anything we do feels futile and discouraging – especially during a job search. Here are seven tips to re-energize you, and bring that authentic you back to the game. With your re-invigorated perspective you’ll see something new, be fresh, open and ready – again. 1.  Watch a TED Talk; Try a talk by Brene Brown, but any talk you watch should open a new door for you. Likewise, you can also listen to a Podcast, or the radio, but it must be a broadcast that informs you about something you’re genuinely interested in. If you can do this while walking, all the better. 2.  Go to a dog park with your, or a friend’s, dog. There’s nothing like watching dogs playing and having a blast, and you might even meet some good people there, too. … Read More

You Can Get It If You Really Want…

Daisy Swan – Career Coach Guest Contributor for My L.A. Lifestyle It’s true. Jimmy Cliff sang it, so it must be true. You really can get what you want. The trick is, as the song goes, “…you must try, try and try, try and try.” Sometimes, I think the tougher issue is that you must know what you want. We tend to want so much, and yet don’t seem to stop and really consider what it is that we really want. Perhaps it’s out of fear, not inspiration, that we want what we want. And if it’s just lusting for something – craving something – it can feel kind of empty, and fear-based, like a greediness instead of a fullness and inspiration. Feeling a sense of yearning can show us what we want. Taking time to reflect and listen when we are open and clear, can… Read More

Listen for Truth, Find the Time

Daisy Swan, new guest contributor to LA Yoga Magazine! Read her first article in the July/August 2012 issue… When I look at my life, what do I want (and need) to learn that will enrich my experience of my work? What will add to my personal and professional growth and vitality? I meet people all the time who are tired, exhausted really, by the work they do. They are putting in too many hours at the office or the studio; answering emails and texts has become part of family dinners, school drop-off, and even yoga class. So much so that we’ve all come to recognize the intrusion of these electronic demands in our romantic and family lives. People are running on empty, sucked into a sense of choicelessness so they don’t know — and simply can’t imagine — what needs to be done to make satisfactory… Read More

How Big Is Your Bubble?

Daisy Swan – Career Coach Guest Contributor for My L.A. Lifestyle I’ve been thinking a lot about innovation and creativity. For years, actually. Most of the people I work with want to be creative in their work – or more creative, in fact, since many people I work with already are pretty creative. Seems like most of us feel really satisfied when we generate something unique, different, new, and which solves a problem in an elegant way. And getting paid and recognized for that, makes it even better. (No kidding.) But what helps us to be creative? When I started reading Jonah Lehrer’s book “Imagine: How Creativity Works,” I felt like I hit pay dirt. I’d like this book to be required reading for folks in business, the fine and commercial arts, high schools, the sciences…there are so many useful nuggets in this book that we could… Read More

Opportunities and goals for a successful job search

Today the job market is no more the same place of a few decades ago. Probably, there are more jobs that in the past didn’t exist at all (such as the jobs related to the internet), but it’s a matter of fact that job condition today are worse than ever. There is a lack of certainty about future and young people find it difficult to start to plan a life and a family, unless they are older and have a constant job career. Difficulties exist as well as job opportunities Employees may often times feel unsure about their current job place as in some cases there isn’t guarantee about a lifelong durability of that job place. This is upsetting and many young employees begin to lose their hope about a good career. It happens with a higher frequency that employees leave their job place to find a better… Read More