What is your message to potential employers?

Hats off to Donnie Grooms. He generated the interest and attention he needed to get a new job that he desperately needs. But this story also highlights a fundamental issue that many people face…he doesn’t say what he’s really looking to do and how he wants to add value to an organization! If you got the attention of potential employers what would you tell them you’re looking to do? It’s incumbent on us to know what we bring to the table. Here are some questions for you, and Donnie, to consider to help you to be prepared to talk to anyone about what you’d like to be doing in your next position:  What are you really gifted at – what’s that thing you do without even thinking that helps an organization or individuals be better? If you, like Donnie, want to help people, what do you… Read More

How do you embrace change?

Check the questions below to see what resonates for you, and see how you can work with change – wanted or unwanted – more effectively. 1) When faced with a change you haven’t asked for do you: a) Try to find a way to avoid what’s being asked or required of you as long as possible? b) Think of it as a new learning experience that can help you grow and adjust with it? c) Consider the change, see if this is compatible with who you are, and decide whether to continue going forward, or determine to go in another direction all together? d) Go with the flow and know that change happens If you tend towards a you may experience quite a bit of frustration as changes occur. If this resonates for you perhaps it’s time to seriously listen to your complaining mind to take action that will empower you in new and productive ways. Perhaps there are… Read More

The Case for Humble Executives

The Mindfulness for Emerging Leaders Classes I teach for MBA students focuses on emotional intelligence and surely that includes listening skills. Here is something from WSJ.com that might interest you: The Case for Humble Executives Source:  WSJ.com, Author: Joann S. Lublin Procter & Gamble’s chief executive, A.G. Lafley, pictured in June, struck a humble tone with shareholders last week.PHOTO: TIMMY HUYNH/THE WALL STREET JOURNAL Procter & Gamble Co. Chief Executive A.G. Lafley struck a humble tone during last week’s annual shareholders meeting. Taking the blame for the consumer-products company’s weak performance, the departing CEO told investors “the buck stops with me” and assured them his successor would do better. Mr. Lafley was responding to investor criticism of P&G’s strategy and recent stock-price performance. He will stay on as executive chairman after David Taylor becomes CEO Nov. 1. Among executives, humility “is the flavor du jour,”… Read More

Client Success Story: Peter

I was very fortunate to work with Daisy as I was retooling my resume and improving my interviewing skills.  She always had the appropriate and useful comment for any issue I presented.  Equally important, she did not use kid-gloves, but rather told me what I needed to hear.  I felt she took a sincere interest in my goals and potential and showed leadership, yes, she lead me to a more marketable position as a candidate.  Indeed, only one month after our sessions ended, I was offered a position. – Peter, NJ 8/2014… Read More

Client Success Story: Jeff

My experience with Daisy was exceptional, and exceeded my expectations. I came to her seeking advice about how to take the next step in my career. She helped me clarify my personal and professional goals, and helped me visualize a career path that met my personal and professional goals. Daisy also helped me see that the perfect role was out there for me, and worked with me on a strategy to find it. Her care, diligence, and thoughtful advice were invaluable throughout the entire process, from career exploration to offer and acceptance. I highly recommend Daisy Swan for anyone looking to grow as a professional. – Jeff, May 2015… Read More

Client Success Story: Kathleen

Like many recent college graduates, I felt lost and alone. I craved to establish a sense of belonging. Afraid to admit my shortcomings, I withdrew into myself. Negative self-talk like, “you are not good enough, smart enough, qualified enough” dominated my thinking. Social gatherings became less desirable.  I did everything I could to avoid the dreaded question, “So what do you do?”  I did not know this person. Where was the determined young woman I worked so hard to become? After a lay off and months of sitting in my pajamas feeling down on myself, I finally had enough. I started researching career counselors in the Los Angeles area, which is how I discovered Daisy Swan. From the beginning Daisy put me at ease with her warm demeanor. She encouraged me to reflect on my values instead of focusing on my fear. I knew I wanted to work with… Read More

Shawn Achor: The happy secret to better work | Talk Video | TED.com

This info is too true not to continue to remember. We can be happier in work and in life. And stop chasing an unattainable idea of success.   We believe that we should work to be happy, but could that be backwards? In this fast-moving and entertaining talk, psychologist Shawn Achor argues that actually happiness inspires productivity. (Filmed at TEDxBloomington.) To watch this TED Talk, click here: www.ted.com/talks/shawn_achor_the_happy_secret_to_better_work… Read More

Welcome Daisy’s New Associate Coach: Brooke Loesby, Esq.

Brooke Loesby, Esq. Growth occurs outside our comfort zone. Brooke serves as a trusted ally, a resource and a sounding board for your transition. She is skilled in helping clients navigate roadblocks and keeping them focused on their path. Brooke has a genuine passion and interest in their success. Guided by clients’ inner voices, Brooke lends her creativity, inquisitiveness, and enthusiasm to help them to manifest their calling. Brooke has assisted hundreds of clients in making important career and life transitions. Brooke’s approach is personalized and proactive; she works to help clarify their aspirations and assist them in achieving their goals. Brooke’s clients range from humanitarian activists to media and fashion professionals, to start up entrepreneurs and senior attorneys from Am Law 100 firms. Before coaching, Brooke experienced several career transitions of her own: for three years, she worked in legislation on Capital Hill, for Senator Larry E. Craig; as… Read More

An Introduction to Mindfulness – FREE Lecture with Daisy Swan

Monday, March 30, 2015 | 8-9 PM Mimoda Studio @ Paper or Plastik Cafe 5772 W. Pico Blvd. @ Ogden, Los Angeles, CA 90019 An Introduction to Mindfulness Mindfulness meditation is increasingly showing up in mass media as the antidote to contemporary stress. Why all the fuss? Over the past 15 years, hundreds of scientific research studies, and their published results, illustrate just how positively powerful this simple practice is for the human body and mind. Individuals and organizations are now embracing mindfulness practices in record numbers to counterbalance the non-stop demand and distraction of a world that is wildly connected via technology. Mindfulness meditation instructor Daisy Swan will discuss some of the important research that has recently surfaced in this area and provide resources for practice, as well as lead us in several mindfulness exercises that can be incorporated into daily life. Night School lectures are free and… Read More